Friday, May 25, 2012

Tell us about...

For the pre-last meeting for this year, we had some games. We were practically only talking but it was a lot of fun!
On the sunny 20th May, first we were asked how we are going to spend this summer vacation. We got a lot of interesting answers. Most of us are going to go to the beach, some to the mountains, some plan to travel Macedonia and other countries!
So, next we played a very sweet game. Candies in different colours and different questions! Familiar, isn’t it?
Some of us lied about their age, we reverted to our most embarassing moments, told about our greatest dream. So much talking, but so much fun. After taking a look on the pictures below, I’m sure you are going to want some sweets too J Have a nice day folks! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hair buisness

Hi there. So this Sunday, was the last presentaion of the members who applicated for the Camp.  The topic was pretty interesting. It was about “Hair Buisness”! But not about what kind of a hair colour we have, or the texture, or the length. It was about how hair is treated around the world. So first, we were asked if we liked hair extensions, and most of us said “no”. I personally said “no” as well. Next we were asked to draw how hair extensions look alike, or precisely, how we, the member of our club, think the whole procedure goes. The drawings were pretty interesting (and you could see them in the photos below), and the opinions of our members as well. So, next we were shown pictures of, how hair is treated as a ritual, like in Indian culture, for example. We enjoyed this meeting since we realized how much we loved our hair!