Sunday, June 10, 2012


Good afternoon folks. This Sunday was the last meeting for this (school) year, and so we threw a party dedicated to our members who have been working really hard on our projects, and also, by coming to our meetings every Sunday. I have to say that we were pretty satisfied with what we have done. We also thanked a few other people who were or weren’t there. In the name of our new officers (that includes me), we thank you also for following our blog “stories” (if I may call them soJ), and we hope that next year will be better (since this is our first year as officers). The party was awesome. We played this game called “Heart”. In paper hearts, our members told us about the body parts which they don’t like about themselves. And they wore it on their t-shirts the whole time so the embarrassment from the certain body part goes away! Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice summer vacation! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Tell us about...

For the pre-last meeting for this year, we had some games. We were practically only talking but it was a lot of fun!
On the sunny 20th May, first we were asked how we are going to spend this summer vacation. We got a lot of interesting answers. Most of us are going to go to the beach, some to the mountains, some plan to travel Macedonia and other countries!
So, next we played a very sweet game. Candies in different colours and different questions! Familiar, isn’t it?
Some of us lied about their age, we reverted to our most embarassing moments, told about our greatest dream. So much talking, but so much fun. After taking a look on the pictures below, I’m sure you are going to want some sweets too J Have a nice day folks! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hair buisness

Hi there. So this Sunday, was the last presentaion of the members who applicated for the Camp.  The topic was pretty interesting. It was about “Hair Buisness”! But not about what kind of a hair colour we have, or the texture, or the length. It was about how hair is treated around the world. So first, we were asked if we liked hair extensions, and most of us said “no”. I personally said “no” as well. Next we were asked to draw how hair extensions look alike, or precisely, how we, the member of our club, think the whole procedure goes. The drawings were pretty interesting (and you could see them in the photos below), and the opinions of our members as well. So, next we were shown pictures of, how hair is treated as a ritual, like in Indian culture, for example. We enjoyed this meeting since we realized how much we loved our hair! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Would you rather be... all hairy, or completely bald?

Good afternoon fellas! This meeting was quite the fun thing. Our new members have started preparing for Camp. Meaning, they started with their presenations on certain topics. This Sunday, two of our (new) members, talked about the process of decision making. First we played a question game. We were given (unsual!) questions, actually being the instant decisions questions. We were given two options to choose from and reason our answer. After that we talked about the decision process through an association game, which made us think a lot, I have to say! They represented us to the stages of making a decision and the consequences. We were supposed to guess the other empty fields, except for the final one. And in the end, the final word was “Decision” (as you could in one the photos). Next we were given certain quotes connected to making a decision. So, we learnt that, decisions, whether good or bad, may be very useful in life situations. To see the fun, take a look at the photos below J

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Women in Society

Good afternoon bloggers! So, this Sunday we were talking about Women in Society. First, we were asked about our opinions on the good and the bad sides of being a woman. Of course, we concluded that everything has its positive and negative sides, but it feels good to be a woman! Next, we looked through the history and mentioned many women who represented our kind and gave their contribution to the Society. After that, we solved four jigsaws that discovered four different women who are very important to the history of the World. We read about them, and discussed about their lives and their inputs. We also filled a table that had positive characteristics on the left and empty places on the right side. Each of us were asked to say one club member to each characteristic. Some of us were surprised, some of us blushed, but in general we had a great meeting! You can take a look in the photos below.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gossiping and Human Trafficking

Hello again pals! So the Sunday before, we were gossiping! Yes, we were talking about gossiping. About the reasons, the consequences and everything connected to it. With the few games, like broken phone for example, our club members also started to gossip. It’s what we do every day, and we learnt how gossiping can be both good and bad, how gossip can turn one thing to another and so forth. Even though, this meeting was pretty talkative, we learnt important things. It’s scientifically proven that gossiping is good for the health in normal limits! Pretty interesting fact, don’t you think?
This Sunday even though it was 1st April, we paid attention on a very sensitive topic: Human Trafficking. We did a little act on how Human Trafficking actually starts. It was kinda funny but the consequences in real-life situations are pretty bad, and our members learnt that. Also we took out a table of statistics on the Victims and the Traffickers, and presented them to our members, who were pretty surprised when we read some of them. Also, we splitted them in pairs, and together, they made their own drawings (posters) on how people should be warned on Trafficker recruiters, and they showed how creative they are, and in the same time, how considerate they are. This was a wonderful education meeting indeed. You can see that in the photos below J

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Leadership styles" led by the new officers

Well hello there! This is the new PR writing. From now on, I'll be sharing the experiences we will have in our club. So this Sunday, a beautiful sunny afternoon was the first meeting led by the new officers. The president, and the vice-president taught us, the members of club GLOW Gevgelija about the different leadership styles. They did great! They divided us in two groups, and the main task was to build a city, but both of the groups had two different ways of how to build it. This was actually inspired by the workshop held in the American Corner in Skopje, which some of our members attended. Those members shared their knowledge with us, in a very fun way (as I mentioned just above), and you are about to see that in the photos below!