We couldn't be happier to announce that our project was a real success! Although weather conditions remained unchanged many people, from authors to little children came to the library to exchange their already read books with another ones. Since people showed interest in our project we decided that we should continue this and make it become a tradition in Gevgelija. We can't say anything for sure yet, but we will probably have a certain time and day of a month where people could come to the library and exchange books.
People from the municipality and local TV were among the people who found our project interesting and arrived at the library to videotape our event and have an interview. (Photos bellow)
Our next meeting will be run by our new officers and this is officially the last project coordinated by the old ones.
I, Bojana, the PR of the club responsible for updating the blog and announcing our meetings as well as leading the meetings want to personally thank everyone who's been reading the blog posts about GLOW Gevgelija's progress and accomplishments. I am really glad I got the opportunity to update the blog and keep everyone posted and I have to admit I wish this didn't have to end. But, I have to retreat and leave the new officers take over and I am proud to announce that from now on you'll be reading our new PR's updates whose name is Doris. I've been part of this club since the beginning in 2009 and it's amazing how much we accomplished together since then. I truly believe that we leave this club in good hands and our new officers take this seriously and keep up the good work we've been doing until now!
Note: most of the photos captions are taken from volunteer Kathy's facebook
Here are all the beautiful GLOW Club members. Everyone contributed in many ways to make this event a success |
Everyone of the GLOW girls worked different jobs to bring donated books to their community |
All Hail the Chief! Slobodanka, the new club president, arrives. |
The local media reporter arrives. |
Bojana was the coordinator and mastermind of the Book Donation and Exchange, so she was our PR person. |
Bojana is being videotaped for the local new broadcast. |
Some interested book exchangers look at what is available. |
Dave couldn't wait until he got home to start reading his "new" book. |
Goce Delchev (portrait) proudly watches the event. |
Poet Kiril Kangov from Gevgelija donated copies of his book "Vardarium" |
Book exchange poster at the library |
Night shift (6:00-8:00pm) ladies having fun |
Exchanged books (most of them available for exchanging next time) |